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september, 2014 - október, 2019

Apartment house, Majakovského street, Bratislava

Orderer: Eltraco s.r.o.
Supplier: Chemkostav, a.s.

Basic information

At the end of september 2014 Chemkostav, a.s. began realization of partial works on project Aparment house, Majakovského street, Bratislava. After the successful realization of our company managed to such projects contracted resolved the main work. Preporatory works included sewer connections, transhipment water supply, preparation of area, transhipment LW and earthworks. On 01.07.2015 it was handed over to the construction site and started well with the actual making of the main works of art. The building will consist of two underground, three floors and one floor abates. Overall, the apartment house designed as three separate objects expansion.
Project on Majakovského street in Bratislava will be for cients who are looking for modern and spacious Housing close to the city center. Low-rise residential buidling is situated in the environment of Horsky park not far from center of Bratislava and offers unique conditions for comfortable, safe and timeless housing.

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