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marec, 2003 - november, 2003

Cloister, Sečovce

Orderer: Delegatúra sv. Cyrila a Metóda sestier radu Sv. Bazila Veľkého
Supplier: Chemkostav, a.s.

Basic information

The construction is located in the town of Sečovce, in the built-up area of family houses. It is designed for housing of nuns of Delegation of St. Cyril and Methodius Sisters of order St. Basil the Great in Slovakia.

The aim of the project is reconstruction construction adjustments, additional building, and extension of the existing building. The project deals with the monolithic three-floor building (ceilings, annular arches and caps reinforced concrete, walls made of bricks).

The building ground-plan is relatively segmented. The upper floor is formed by an attic with relatively complicated roof. The dominant of the monastery is a chapel, which crosses both floors and in vertical direction is finished by onion tower made of cooper sheet. The building is connected to existing water tap, sewer, gas and electrical connections. Central heating is designed as a swan, in combination with floor.

Build-up area: 400,3 m2. 
Total area: 3 301 m2.

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