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jún, 1999 - október, 2001

Department of maintainance of freeways Beharovce

Orderer: SSC Bratislava, Stredisko údržby diaľnic
Supplier: Chemkostav, a.s.

Basic information

The construction implemented shall be used by Slovenská správa ciest Bratislava as an operational centre for complex maintenance for the tunnel and highway leg Branisko. The construction consists of operational buildings and halls, which are designed for maintenance and operation of the highway leg between Poprad and Prešov.

The entire complex started to be implemented within the construction of the highway D1, the part of which is also the tunnel. The complex is part of the construction, which is subject to the work Maintenance Department. During implementation of the construction it was inevitable to closely cooperate with other suppliers of the entire complex. The department is divided into construction and technology part.

The construction part comprises of 3 operational buildings and 8 halls. From reconstruction point of view, these are reinforced concrete and metal skeletons, cased by bricked walls. Lighting of operational buildings is secured by plastic elements and metal windows and skylights and halls. Roof structures of operational buildings are formed by wooden frameworks with Tondach roofing.

The halls are covered by metal tie-beams and roofing of bitumen shingles. It was necessary to reconnect the entire complex to newly built engineering networks. Newly built wastewater treatment plant is used for the needs of the department. New filling station and desalting equipment are part of the premises. For the construction complex needs, machinery for repairs, maintenance, and storing of mechanisms for highway and tunnel maintenance were arranged.

Upon the building permission from water supply management the following objects were implemented within the construction: sewage and drainage in the value of SKK 11,765,563.00 VAT excl. and reconstruction and completion of wastewater treatment including technology in the value of SKK 29,491,085.00 VAT excl.

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