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júl, 2010 - január, 2012

High school Trebišov - superior and open school on a way to the attribute - modern

Orderer: Košický samosprávny kraj
Supplier: Chemkostav, a.s.

Basic information

Building of High School in Trebišov is located at the junction of streets Komenského and Jilemnického. It consists of three objects, while there are two standing alone buildings. Within the project was implemented partial replacement of windows and doors, disposition change of premises, roof reconstruction, repair of floors and building insulation.

Reconstruction of the original building also increased the capacity from 13 to 15 classes in the part where is located, gym  new changing rooms with showers and toilets were created. The part of implementation of the works also was the superstructure of object and connection of two objects with communication corridor.

The aim of the project was to create a high quality, modern and attractive educational facility.

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