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máj, 2005 - november, 2006

Premises of the Department of the Border Control of the Police Corps

Orderer: Ministerstvo vnútra SR
Supplier: Chemkostav, a.s.

Basic information

A purpose of the premises of the Headquarters of the Border Control Crops and Departments of the Border Control is providing working premises and background for the performance of the office of employees of the Police Corps.

In the aggregate 10 departments were constructed and from which there were 5 newly built – Ulič, Ubľa, Maťovské Vojkovce, Veľké Slemence and 5 partially or completely reconstructed or completed – Sobrance, Petrovce, Vyšné Nemecké, Čierna nad Tisou, and Zboj.

A complex of individual departments comprises of several parts, namely administration part (office performance) and a part for temporary arrested persons, a garage, a cynology and a storing parts, and a part of pumping station for driving fuel. By new construction, flat and strip foundations were designed. Buildings are regular, brick, two-wings, and with lengthwise and transverse bearing walls. Ceilings are prefabricated.

External claddings comprises of outside walls with insulation system and colour articulation. PVC flooring is laid on staircases, in entrance premises, and in accommodation and office premises. Cast polymer-concrete flooring is in the rooms for continuous duty, weapons storing premises, service rooms as well as in detention rooms. Landscape finish and fencing were a part of completion of every department.

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