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december, 2010 - december, 2011

Reconstruction and modernization of school in Pavlovce Uhom

Orderer: Rekonštrukcia a modernizácia ZŠ v Pavlovciach nad Uhom
Supplier: Chemkostav, a.s.

Basic information

The purpose of reconstruction is to improve the conditions of the teaching process and the removal of technical and operational shortcomings. The project includes restoration of cladding, new roof flat roof insulation, replacement of boilers and radiators with the possibility of using heat pump, placement of CLIMBER for disabled, replacement of windows, glass openings and doors.

Since the school is struggling with a lack of learning spaces, a new professional classroom of technical education and one class of zero grade, are included in the reconstruction work. This reconstruction and modernization is suppose to contribute for a better condition and aesthetic appearance of the building, in what will come to more than 40-percent energy savings.

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