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september, 2012 - december, 2013

Residential building with polyfunctionality on Grösslingova street no. 50, Bratislava

Orderer: Cresling s.r.o.
Supplier: Chemkostav, a.s.

Basic information

The building of New construction of a residential building with polyfunctionality on Grosslingova street, no. 50 in Bratislava will be mostly a residential house where its ground floor will be supplemented by retail spaces serving the residents of the house and surrounding area and parking spaces for residents of the building located in the basement of the building. In the back of the property the grassed patio will be located.
Apartments will be located at six above- grade floors, while those on the top two floors will be for the light-technical conditions flinched in their street facades. This will create the enlarged housing units with terraces. The principle of solving all residential floors is the orientation of living and working spaces in the south of courtyard. Closets, kitchens, toilets in the middle tract and bedroom spaces are oriented in the north-west side. The property generally locates 13 apartments and 18 underground parking spaces.
More information about the project can be found at

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