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september, 2021 - marec, 2023

Secondary vocational school A. Warhola, Medzilaborce

Orderer: SOŠ polytechnická A. Warhola, Medzilaborce
Supplier: Chemkostav, a.s.

Basic information

Andy Warhol Polytechnic Secondary Vocational School, Duchnovičova 506, 068 01 Medzilaborce was selected as one of the five secondary schools in the founding competence of PSK as a recipient of support, the main goal of which is to build a secondary vocational school as a regional center for future education through a network of vocational centers technical security and adaptation of premises) in order to adapt to the current requirements of the regional labor market with an emphasis on increasing the attractiveness of selected technical departments. The proposed integrated project includes completion of modern educational infrastructure, creation of a system of continuous education of professional staff, creation and innovation of VET content and methods, support of new school services as a regional center of lifelong learning and counseling in close cooperation with relevant organizations and institutions (further education, competence center , support for social entrepreneurship, joint workplaces with business entities) through specific projects.
The building will be divided into the following buildings:
SO 01   Main school building - AREÁL DUCHNOVIČOVA
SO 02   Object of practical teaching - AREÁL MIEROVÁ
SO 04   Business incubator - AREÁL MIEROVÁ
SO 05   Paved areas and landscaping - AREÁL MIEROVÁ

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