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november, 2013 - júl, 2015

Clean River Bečva II-A

Orderer: Sdružení obcí Mikroregionu Vsetínsko
Supplier: Chemkostav, a.s. (v združení)

Basic information

The project "Clean River Bečva II-A" in the Czech Republic follows the "Clean River Bečva I" project. It is about the linking of 6 new locations to the system of sewer system and WWTP Vsetín. In addition to these projects extramural of town Vsetín the extension of the sewer system single system is considered directly in town Vsetín, which is further divided into 8 sub-projects. The part of such constructions is building of sewer systems for sanitary sewerage of a total length of about 72 km.
This project is mainly to supplement the existing sewer networks. Current sewerage system is respected in the towns, which is based on a single sewer system in the central parts of towns and sectioning the peripheral parts. In smaller municipalities the proposals interlock on the existing sewerage systems, while sectioning sewer system is preferred, with construction of sanitary sewage networks.

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