Kráľovský Chlmec – sewerage system expansion and WWTP intensification

Basic information
City of Kráľovský Chlmec is located in the south-eastern part of Slovak republic, in the region called Medzibodrožie, which is surrounded by rivers Tisa, Bodrog and Latorica. The region boarders from the south with Hungary and from the east with Ukraine. The city itself is placed in the middle of Chlmecké hills and has 8,000 inhabitants.
Subject of the contract is an extension of sewerage system and intensification of WWTP in Kráľovský Chlmec. Waste water drainage will be included into the existing sewerage. Subsequently, the waste water will be transferred within the built pipeline to WWTP in Kráľovský Chlmec.
The construction site of the planned intensification is the existing areal of pumping station on the network and existing WWTP. Within the respective areal there will be built no new objects, hence existing objects will be rebuilt, modified to serve new purpose. The construction site of the sewerage system are the local streets itself, namely green bands on road shoulders and fixed parts of the local roads.
Sewerage system extension will ensure the connection to the sewerage network for more than 85% of town’s population. Currently, approximately 4,500 people are connected to a sewerage network. The respective extension will in the upcoming 20 years double the number of connected people.