Modernization and reconstruction of I. class roads bridges in PSK a KSK
Basic information
Subject of the contract is modernization of 10 bridges on the I. class roads in Košický and Prešovský self-governing regions, which no longer from constructional and technical aspects meet the safety parameters. The purpose of the reconstruction is to improve their constructional-technical conditions, increase safety and continuity of traffic in the affected sections.
The project is co-financed from the budget of the European Union.
Subject of the contract are the following bridges:
I/18 - 509 Nacina Ves bridge
Cadastral area: Nacina Ves / Region: Michalovce
Subject of the contract: Road bridge 018-509 reconstruction (bridge length 14.73 m), adjustment of the adjacent sections of the road I/18 in the length of 90 m and adjustment of a no name stream in the length of 28.5 m.
I/50 (I/19) - 355 Trhovište bridge
Cadastral area: Trhovište, Pozdišovce / Region: Michalovce
Subject of the contract: Reconstruction of a road bridge I/19-355 via a no name stream with a goal to increase the bridge carrying capacity. Reconstruction of the adjacent sections of the road I/19 in the length of 70 m.
I/77 – 068 Vyšný Mirošov bridge
Cadastral area: Vyšný Mirošov / Region: Svidník
Subject of the contract: In a place of an existing bridge a new precast reinforced concrete arch bridge will be built. Reconstruction will consist of adjustment of the adjacent sections of the road I/77 in the total length of 144.41 m, adjustment of a stream in the length of 60 m and relocation of the affected phone cable. During the bridge reconstruction the traffic will be redirected to a temporary bypass route I/77 in the length of 145 m.
I/50 (I/19) – 327 Bidovce bridge
Cadastral area: Bidovce / Region: Košice okolie
Subject of the contract: Bridge (50)19-327 reconstruction and adjustment of the adjacent sections of the road I/19 in the length of 107 m.
I/68 - 015 Plavnica bridge
Katastrálne územie: Plavnica / Region: Stará Ľubovňa
Subject of the contract: Reconstruction of the bridge I/68-015, which bypasses stream Jasenok in front of Plavnica. Road I/68 adjustment in the length 140 m.
I/74 -044 Ubľa bridge
Cadastral area: Ubľa / Region: Snina
Subject of the contract: Bridge 74-044 reconstruction with a goal to increase the bridge carrying capacity, reconstruction of the adjacent road I/74 in the necessary extent in the total length of 55 m and cleaning of a no name stream channel from vegetation and alluvial deposit in the length of 10-15 m before and behind the bridge.
I/18 - 459 Medzianky bridge
Cadastral area: Hanušovce nad Topľou / Region: Vranov nad Topľou
Subject of the contract: Bridge I/18-459 reconstruction with a goal to increase the bridge carrying capacity. Adjustment of the adjacent road I/18 in the necessary extent before and behind the bridge in the total length of 101.5 m.
I/67 - 034 Stratená bridge
Cadastral area: Stratená, Dobšiná / Region: Rožňava
Subject of the contract: Bridge 67-034 reconstruction, adjustment of the adjacent road I/67 in the total length of 60 m and adjustment of the river Hnilec channel near the bridge. Bridge reconstruction requires as well to fix public lighting, relocation of the phone cable in the length of 45 m and relocation of two poles of telecommunication line with retransferring of the overhead cable.
I/79 - 039 Svätá Mária bridge
Cadastral area: Pavlovo, Rad / Region: Trebišov
Subject of the contract: Bridge 79-039 reconstruction leading through the North water canal, adjustment of the road I/79 in the total length of 101.50 m and consolidation of the brooks banks – construction of protective abutments in the length of 22 m.
I/74 - 045 Ubľa bridge
Cadastral area: Ubľa / Region: Snina
Subject of the contract: Construction of the new bridge, adjustment of the road I/74 before and behind the bridge in the total length of 99 m. Adjustment of the brook – construction of the bridge protection on the entrance side of the bridge in the length of approx. 27 m.