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apríl, 2014 - marec, 2015

Car center VW- North, 1st stage- “Weltauto“, Prešovská cesta, Košice

Orderer: Auto Gabriel, s.r.o. Košice
Supplier: Chemkostav, a.s.

Basic information

The overall aim of project is the construction of Car center VW - North, which consists of two main functional parts, namely construction of service - sales facilities for cars of VW concern and construction of a facility “Weltauto” selling the used vehicles. Part of the planned construction is also the construction of appropriate technical infrastructure. The 1st stage is divided into two parts and consists of utilities, the facility “Weltauto” selling used cars and object of self-service car wash.
Built up area of 1st stage: 356 m2
Number of parking spaces built in the 1st stage:  44, including 3 for people with disabilities.

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