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október, 2022 - august, 2024

Reconstruction of the boarding school of the Forestry School in Bijacovce

Orderer: Prešovský samosprávny kraj
Supplier: Chemkostav, a.s.

Basic information

The subject of the project is the reconstruction of the dormitory of the Forestry Secondary School in Bijacovce, for the purpose of operating residential social services and health care services. The goal of the project is to create the most welcoming space possible for people with health disorders such as dementia and Alzheimer's.
1.PP: The newly proposed constructions in the building SO 01 result from rehabilitation and rehabilitation works. Remedial plasters will be created in the basement. Wall insulation with mineral wool and CLT ceiling insulation with mineral wool. In this part, there will be no interventions in the load-bearing structures.
1st floor: It is laid out as a social-cultural-medical part serving all clients of the facility. There will be clinics, therapies, a chapel, the director's office, an apartment, technical and economic facilities (laundry room, workshop, warehouse). An engine room will be set up in the room where the staircase was originally. Due to the age and degradation of the original reinforced concrete stairs, the stairs will be renovated. They will be replaced by new steel stairs. The new partitions will be bricked with regard to the new layout solution with aerated concrete blocks. The new shaft walls will be solved with a fire-resistant shaft wall made of fire plasterboard and mineral wool to meet the requirements of PBS. All interior doors will be designed according to the interior design. Installation pre-walls for furniture will be made of plasterboard.
2nd, 3rd NP: They are very similar in layout. There will be client rooms on these floors. This is a max. double rooms with a small social space in the central part of the building. Each room will have its own generous bathroom with equipment for immobilizers. A communication corridor runs along the middle of the building.
4th floor: Layout similar to the 2nd and 3rd floors, but the CHúC on this floor is also proposed including a central communication corridor, which means that all doors will have a fire resistance of 30 min.
ATTIC SO 01: One opening will be created in the attic for fitting the final elevator station.

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