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Closing ceremony of project „ Trebišov – street sewerage and capacity increase of wastewater treatment “


On 4th of November Chemkostav, a.s. Michalovce submit works of „ Trebišov – street sewerage and capacity increase of wastewater treatment “. Contract for works was signed with Východoslovenská vodárenská spoločnosť, a.s. Košice, on 24th of march 2014. All works were financed by Cohesion Fund EU, National Budget, allowance of VVS a.s., and Operational Programme Environment priority ax 1 – Integrated protection and rational use of water. 

Start of Construction: 

Completion of construction:

Východoslovenská vodárenská spoločnosť, a.s., Košice

Združenie: Chemkostav, a.s. – Kunst, spol. s.r.o.

Construction supervisor: 
Gajdoš – Consulting Engineers, s.r.o. 
Terraprojekt, a.s.

Project engineer: 
Enviroline, s.r.o., Košice 

Main distributor of technology: 
KUNST, spol. s r.o., Hranice 

Areal of wastewater treatment Trebišov is located in southern part of town close to creek Trnávka. Project is intended for delivery of sewage from industry park, and improvement of drainage conditions of rainwater on settlement Lúčky, on Hollého and Budovateľská street, but mainly to increase capacity. Solution was connected to the situation of old wastewater treatment and demography trend, since the capacity was insufficient. Cleaning of wastewater also required limits in particular indicators, which in old wastewater treatment weren’t sufficient because of wastewater increase. 

Within the project sewer network was extended in length of 23 meters on Moyezesova street, with an aim to lighten sewer DN 1000 on Holleho street, also extension of sewer network on Budovateľská street by 34 meters to lighten sewer network on settlement Lúčky. Relieve shaft, pumping station of wastewater including electrical connection and pressure pipe of rainwater was built within the sewer. New wastewater treatment is mechanical-biological type with mechanical pre-treatment, including mechanical dewatering of sludge, removal of phosphorus and tertiary treatment of sewage. By extension of wastewater treatment, the capacity was improved from 18 540 citizens to 25152 citizens and drainage conditions in the collecting system for torrential rains were improved. 

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