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Completion of a sewage system in the agglomeration of village Čachtice

Company Chemkostav, a. s. Michalovce, took over on August 28th, 2012, the site of project part "Completion of a sewage system in the agglomeration of village Čachtice".

The sewerage in the village Čachtice is built only partially, mainly in the central part of the village that drains away sewage from houses and infrastructure in the existing water treatment plant. Within this project a completion of sewage system throughout the village Čachtice is designed.
Since the vast majority of sewage will be stored under the local roads and state road, construction of sewer collectors needs to be implemented in 50 m long sections according to approved project of temporary road signs. Also the implementation of one pressure under the rail will be executed during the project implementation.
Company Chemkostav, a. s. Michalovce will build a sewage system in the total length of 1106, 6 m.

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