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UNIQ Staromestská won two prizes in the 23rd year of the prestigious nationwide competition CONSTRUCTION OF THE YEAR 2017.

Lucrative administrative building UNIQ Staromestská, the building we constructed for property developer CRESCO GROUP, a.s. was as one of the three constructions nominated for the main prize. Second, but not less important prize came from Faculty of Civil Engineering STU in Bratislava for the application of science and technology during the construction. The building was specifically highlighted as technical delicacy.

The building got both of the prizes based on the following:

high quality of architectural work with mature, timeless expression, quality technical execution with professionally managed architectural details by progressive technology of building environment,
sensitive integration of the modern object into the urban structure of Bratislava’s historic centre outskirt,
elegant visual character of the object, its appropriate scale on the urban and human level and the balanced architectural design,
progressive construction and professional realization of semi-structural façade structures of the column-trave system of high physical quantification, with a dominant vertical structuring with an alternate rhythm that enhances fixed vertical slopes with varying depth,
timeless superior managing system of measurement and regulation of the building cooling and heating system coupled with the system of exterior shading of south facing façade structures,
optimal, economically effective application of progressive construction materials and technologies during construction of the technically challenging object,
environmentally sound and sustainable character of the green building type object built with responsible approach to environment (sustainable construction, water saving, energy efficiency, choice of ecological materials and quality of indoor environment), highlighted with acquired internationally recognized certificate LEED Gold.
The gala evening on the occasion of award ceremony was held on April 11th in conjunction with opening of CONECO and RACIOENERGIA fair. The jury awarded together 8 buildings with 12 awards. The main prize CONSTRUCTION OF THE YEAR 2017 was awarded to the construction „Highway D3 Žilina (Strážov) – Žilina (Brodno)”.

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