Company Chemkostav, a. s. Michalovce ended the construction of biogas plant Zemplínska Teplica on August 28th, 2012. Investor of construction was Company ALKON KOŠICE a. s. and the price of execution, according to Contract, was amounted to 561 362, 76 EUR without VAT.
The Site was taken over by Company Chemkostav, a. s. Michalovce on November 11th, 2011 and the construction comprised of 4 building objects. The cogeneration building included a brick object based on reinforced concrete foundation strips. The ceiling is consisted of TT ceiling panels, on which the insulation and roof insulation coating is implemented. This facility will serve as the operational and technological building. Stock of gas is implemented from the steel structures and cladding corrugated sheets. The building will serve as a space for the bag of gas accumulation. Primary and secondary fermenters including the service basements – within this building the monolithic service basements No.1, 2, 3 were carried out. They are used for technological distributions and facilities. Also there were also monolithic circular tank thus fermenters built, with the trapezoidal metal sheet cladding and roofing with waterproofing and insulation coating. Within the all work, the fence around the object has been carried out.
Company Chemkostav, a. s. Michalovce was originally committed to the whole project implementation by April 30th, 2012, but due to extra work in terms of the signed addendum to the contract with the investor, the planned completion date moved to August 28th, 2012.