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R2 Highway completed


The opening ceremony of the highway section “R2 Highway Zvolen East – Pstruša” was held on Tuesday, May 16, 2017. Among the attending were the Minister of Transport and Construction of SR Mr. Arpád Érsek, the Head of European Commission representation is Slovakia Mr. Dušan Chrenka, representatives of the National Highway Company and representatives of the Constructor. 

We participated together with our Spanish consortium partner in the association called “Chemkostav IS, s.r.o. – Corsan-Corviam Construcción, S.A.” on the construction of this highway. Our subsidiary Chemkostav IS, s.r.o. as a member of the association realised 20% of the total cost of the work in the terms of the association agreement. 

The length of the section R2 Zvolen East – Pstruša is 7,85 km. The project includes the construction of 7 permanent bridges, one of them over the highway. The section begins at the intersection of Zvolenská Slatina with crossing point of the road I/50 in front of the Zvolenská Slatina. The route further continues north, via Zvolen basin and ends before the intersection of the Pstruša crossing, which is continuously connected to the section R2 Highway Pstruša – Kriváň. According to the National Highway Company, the newly built section will shorten the route by three minutes. At the same time, it will significantly lower the transit traffic through villages Zvolenská Slatina, Vígľaš and Pstruša. 

We are pleased that by building this highway section we have also contributed to shortening the distance between west and east.

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