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Roundabout near Slnečnice is opened


Chemkostav, a.s. as general contractor for construction of South City – zone B1 is reponsible also for construction of the primary infrastructure.
The large roundabout next to the city zone Slnečnice on Wednesday 22. February 2017 launched its regular service. Process of final statutory approval is still ongoing, however the construction already received the permission to use and has been made available for motorists. The original deadline was planned by the end of 2016, but also due to the changes in the project documentation deadline was postponed to February this year.

The roundabout was created at the junction of Panónska road, Dolnozemská road and Azúrová street, road I/2 in the direction of Rusovce. Its position was already defined in the territorial plan of capital, which comprehensively deals with the urban transport network. The construction as such is a triggered investment in conjunction with the construction of South City considering the build-up areas and increasing number of population in the south of the city – in Jarovce, Rusovce and Čunovo. Developer estimates daily traffic of 20-thousand vehicles on Azúrová street.

Construction of the large roundabout was made as a reconstruction of the existing junction of roads Panónska – Dolnozemská with relocation of related communications and utilities. Specifically was made relocation of optical and signal cables, relocation of high voltage and low voltage distribution systems. Water pipes are additionally protected by further protective layers. Protection of the existing pipelines was ensured by the extension of the existing conduit fittings. Furthermore, on the site has been implemented new outdoor lighting and installation of the traffic signs. 

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