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Signed contract „Agglomeration Podbrezová - sewerage system and WWTP “


End of the year 2017 we signed in the association „Podbrezová ISK-Chemkostav-Arprog “the Works agreement for construction of the work „Agglomeration Podbrezová - sewerage system and WWTP “. Company Chemkostav, a.s. will participate on the construction in the association with company ARPROG from Poprad and company Inžinierske stavby from Košice, who is the association leader. Beneficairy of the project is Stredoslovenská vodárenská spoločnosť from Banská Bystrica.

The subject of the contract is to complete the sewerage system in village Podbrezová. Currently the sewerage system is built only in the certain parts of the village and flows into two local WWTPs. One of the WWTP is located in the part Štiavnička where ends sewerage from Štiavnička area and sewerage from factory Železiarne Podbrezová. The second WWTP is located in the part Skalica where ends sewerage from parts Kolkáreň, Šupková Quarter, Sládkovičova Street, Skalica area and old factory Železiarne Podbrezová.

Goal of the project is to complete the sewerage in the areas, where currently there is no sewerage system built. Considered is the whole area of Lopej, Čelno and Belohrad, one street in the Skalica area, streets next to the church, i. Chalupkova street, Švermov rad, Štúrov rad and Hviezdoslavova Quarter. The existing collector is already inoperative, the pipeline is damaged in many places and impassable.

Planned construction duration is from May 2018 to December 2021.

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