Academy of the Armed Forces in Liptovský Mikuláš
On December 15, 2021, we took over the construction site in Liptovský Mikuláš for the implementation of the work "Reducing energy intensity in the premises of the Academy of the Armed Forces gen.... -
Secondary vocational school A. Warhola, Medzilaborce
We signed a contract for work with the A. Warhol Polytechnic Secondary Vocational School in Medzilaborce. We attended the opening ceremony on October 20, 2021. The project is to be submitted by... -
Plavisko Ružomberok
Chemkostav, a.s. Michalovce signed a Contract for Work with the City of Ružomberok for the construction of the Multifunctional Apartment Building Plavisko - Stage 1. We start carrying out the work in... -
Trebišov integrated passenger transport terminal
Chemkostav, a.s. Today, as a contractor, Michalovce ceremoniously signed a contract for the construction of the "ŽSR, Trebišov Integrated Passenger Transport Terminal". This project is co-financed... -
Residence Baštová II Košice
On 24.06.2021 we signed a contract for work with the company Rezidencia centrum, s.r.o. for the project Residence Baštová II on Baštová street in Košice. The takeover of the site is expected... -
Ceremonial handover of the hospital in Zvolen
Chemkostav, a.s. Michalovce today took part in the ceremonial handing over of the work "Modernization of the infrastructure for streamlining the provision of acute health care in the Zvolen Hospital,... -
New project in Trnava
On April 29, 2021, we signed a Contract for work with the company Terra Trnavia 5, s.r.o. for the subject of the contract Residential complex Nová Trnava. We took over the construction site in... -
OBI shopping center in Michalovce
On November 10, 2020, we signed a Contract for work with the company Slovak Retail Project Gamma for the subject of the contract Shopping Park - Michalovce, ul. Sobranecká - 1st stage. Work on the... -
Municipal barracks Michalovce – reconstruction
Our company signed on 12.10.2020 contract for work with the Ministry of Defense of the Slovak Republic for the subject of the contract: Michalovce, MK - reconstruction b. no. 20 TOV-R. Work on this... -
Residence Albelli Košice
On October 5, 2020, we took over the construction site on an interesting project in Košice - Albelli Residence. The investor is CTR Alvinczy s.r.o. The expected deadline for submission of works is... -
Reconstruction of the sewer in Plavecký Štvrtok
On October 2, 2020, our company took over the construction site on the project Plavecký Štvrtok - reconstruction of the sewerage system. The investor is Bratislavská vodárenská spoločnosť, a.s.... -
Lago Residence in Košice
On August 27, 2020, a Contract for Work was signed between our company and Lago development, the subject of which is the implementation of construction work on the project Apartment house with... -
Multifunctional apartment building ULIČKA in Trnava
In the second half of July 2020, we took over the construction site of the project in Trnava. This is a multifunctional apartment building ULIČKA, where we will implement the skeleton of the rough... -
Gemerská Poloma talc treatment plant - 2nd stage
Four years have passed and we are returning to the scene. To the place where we built a plant for the treatment, refining and recovery of talc raw material. Chemkostav, a.s. took over on 18.05.2020... -
Reconstruction of the hospital in Rožňava
Our company will participate in the implementation of construction work related to the reconstruction of the Hospital with the polyclinic of St. Barbora in Rožňava. The work contract was signed on... -
Ceremonial handover in Bardejov
Chemkostav, a.s. Michalovce yesterday participated in the ceremonial handover of part of the work "Building the tract of emergency medicine - building part SO03 Extension to the children's ward". The... -
The Hospital in Zvolen
With the reconstruction of hospitals this year the bag was torn. We are very glad that we have become successful in the selection process and we can participate in the implementation of another... -
Chemkostav under the Tatras
In the near future, the Poprad Hospital will work on improving productivity and streamlining through refurbishment and extension. Our company will implement the superstructure of the HVAC engine room,... -
Reconstruction of student homes of the Technical University of Košice
Our company has been successful in the selection procedure for the subject of the contract. Work on Parts 1, C and D, which includes exterior renewal, should be completed within 6 months of their... -
The Company Chemkostav returns to Ružomberok
Premises of Mondi SCP, a.s. will be occupied in several months by Chemkostav, a.s. Our company has signed a contract for work, the subject of which is the construction part of the WWTP of the new... -
Building modifications II.NP - Department of radiation oncology FNsP J.A.Reimana, Hollého 14, Prešov
On June 24, 2019, there was J.A. Reiman in Prešov and our company to sign another contract for work. The subject of the contract is the realization of construction works on II. NP, at the Department... -
Reconstruction of the border crossing in Vyšné Nemecké
In May signed Chemkostav, a.s. together with a client the Financial Administration of the Slovak Republic the works contract CHP Vyšné Nemecké - AB, personal transport – reconstruction. ... -
Reconstruction in an oncological building J.A.Reimana in Prešov
The construction site is located in the area of FNsP – in an oncological building of heavy emitters. Main goal of the interior reconstruction is to prepare the construction readiness for assembly of... -
Pharmacy in Košice
Wednesday, March 13th, 2019. Chemkostav, a.s. has took over the construction site of construction “Pavilion no.36 – Pharmacy – reduction of energy intensity” in Košice. Investor of the...