Chemkostav, a. s. Michalovce needs your support to vote
This year, for the first time ever, organisers of the European Business Awards have introduced a new video element to the awards and also a brand new online public voting system. The company video... -
TESCO Ivanka pri Dunaji
Company Chemkostav, a. s. Michalovce started on August 31st, 2012 the major construction works on the building of the object TESCO Ivanka pri Dunaji. It is a construction of a rectangular plan... -
Completion of a sewage system in the agglomeration of village Čachtice
Company Chemkostav, a. s. Michalovce, took over on August 28th, 2012, the site of project part "Completion of a sewage system in the agglomeration of village Čachtice". The sewerage in the village... -
Finished working on Biogas Plant
Company Chemkostav, a. s. Michalovce ended the construction of biogas plant Zemplínska Teplica on August 28th, 2012. Investor of construction was Company ALKON KOŠICE a. s. and the price of... -
Company Chemkostav, a. s. Michalovce took over on July 16th, 2012 the part of Site for the project "Reconstruction of theformer barracks - KULTURPARK, Košice." By signing a contract with the... -
National Finalist in 2012/2013 European Business Awards
The European Business Awards (www.businessawardseurope.com) announced that the company Chemkostav, a. s. Michalovce represents Slovak Republic in the struggle for this prestigious award as a national... -
The works in the area of Technical University has began
Chemkostav Company, a.s. Michalovce on June 15th, 2012 took over the site at the area of Technical University of Kosice.This happened after the date of May 22nd, 2012 of signing the contracts for work... -
Addendum to the contract South City
Company Chemkostav, a. s. Michalovce signed on April 19th, 2012 an addition to the construction project in South city in Bratislava. Investor of that project is Company CRESCO POPPER INVESTMENT, and... -
Chemkostav is in “Šafranová záhrada” (Saffron Garden)
Company Chemkostav, a.s. Michalovce on June 12th, 2012 took over the Site of residential housing project “Šafranová záhrada” (Saffron garden) in Kosice. This happened after the date of May... -
Regeneration of Gypsy settlements in the village Zemplínska Teplica
Company Chemkostav, a.s. Michalovce has signed on April 19th, 2012 Contract of Work for implementation of the project "Regeneration of Gypsy settlements in the village Zemplínska Teplica." Investor... -
Builders at Sea
Representatives of Chemkostav, a. s. Michalovce attended from June 5th to 9th, 2012 the sailing competitions TREND Regatta 2012, held on the Adriatic coast of Croatia, between the city of Split and... -
Building of the Year 2011 Competition – Awards ceremony
On 19.10.2011, in the City Theatre of P.O.Hviezdoslav, the awards ceremony was held with its 17th annual prestigious national competition of completed construction buildings in Slovakia, Building of... -
Formal High School building approval in Trebisov
On Monday, October 10th, 2011 the High School building in Trebisov was formally accepted by inspectors. Reconstruction, of which the High School passed, started in July 1st ,2010 and ended in May... -
Signing of the contract in Brestov
In November 5th, 2011 representatives of the company Chemkostav signed the contract for the construction of "Modification of Deep stream in Brestov village." Implementation of that construction will... -
Contract signing with University in Košice
Out Company, in August 25th, 2011, accepted the construction site for implementing the project "Reconstruction and restoration of the area of Pavol Jozef Safarik University, I. and II. ,... -
Contract signing in the village Čičava
On 16.08.2011 an agreement was signed between Chemkostav and the community Čičava as a Beneficiary to carry out construction works on site "Improvement of civil infrastructure in the village... -
Signing the contract to implement the project Facilities for the elderly, Michalovce
On 25.07.2011 we signed a contract for the construction project "Extension and reconstruction of Facilities for the elderly in Michalovce," where investor is town of Michalovce. ... -
Signing the contract for the project "South City"
On 29.06.2011 we signed a contract with Cresco Group, a.s.. to implement the South City residential complex that is one of the largest projects in Slovakia by its area. ... -
The foundation stone knocking ceremony, for a project "Water protection in the river Dyje - Stage II."
At Tuesday, 28.06.2011 the town of Velké Meziřičí held a formal initiation of the project "Water protection in the river Dyje - Stage II.", which addresses wastewater collection and its treatment... -
Christening of company newspapers Michalovsky Chemkostav
On 06.04.2010 in the premises of the headquarters of Chemkostav, a.s. company took place a ceremonial christening of company newspapers "Michalovský Chemkostav", which quarterly edition will inform... -
Chemkostav ARENA hosted Westton cup 2010
Chemkostav Arena in Michalovce was on 6th February 2010 a place of 15th round football tournament of celebrities Westton cup 2010. The main organizer of the event, Miroslav Mackulín, in cooperation... -
Chemkostav a.s. awarded the Prize of the city Michalovce
On 11th December 2009, took Ing. Tibor Macuga for the company Chemkostav, a.s at the ceremonial meeting of the City Council associated with the awarding the Prize of the town Michalovce for a longtime... -
Opening of Chemkostav ARENA
Invited guests and fans of sports, especially handball met on 3.10.2009 to ceremonially open the gate to a new, modern, multifunctional Chemkostav ARENA, previously known as the old sports hall. ...